Balanced Money

Whether you're planning for a new baby, retirement, a job change, or caring for an elderly parent, life’s transitions can impact your finances. To help you stay prepared, we’ve curated a collection of articles for every stage of life. Explore these resources to navigate life’s events with confidence, and check back often—we’re continually adding new insights!

Finding the Right Financial Balance

Finances are the last thing you want to worry about when an unexpected loss of a loved one occurs, preparing for a terminal illness, or just preparing for your end of life wishes. Unfortunately, money can often become a great source of stress and anxiety. During this time, Bulls Financial Group would like to help in anyway we can. Click the button below to request a copy of our checklist to help guide you in steps to take after the funeral. Additionally, go to our events page to see when a live seminar is to go over these steps.

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Helping You with Divorce One Step at a Time

Going through divorce can be hard on everyone involved, but we’re here to help you through these steps. Knowing where to start and what information to gather will help you maintain financial stability through this tough transitional period and allow you to start focusing on a brighter future. Click the button below to request a copy of the checklist to help guide you in a new financial plan. 

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Rental House Profitability Analysis

So you’re looking to purchase a home to use for rental income, but do you know how to determine if the purchase will become profitable? We have created a template for you to help estimate and analyze the numbers. Click the button below to request your copy today!

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Retirement Savings Checklist

Saving for retirement is a necessary task if you want to enjoy your golden years. The earlier you get started, the easier the road can be, but it is never too late to start saving for the financial future you and your family deserve. Click the button below to request a copy of our retirement savings checklist to help you prepare for retirement.

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Seamless Switch When Changing Jobs

You may be looking for more growth opportunities within your current field or you may be already looking forward to starting your new job. It’s important to consider how you will manage your finances while making the transition from one employer to the next. Click on the button below to request a copy of our checklist to help you in devising an action plan that is designed to benefit you during and after your job transition.

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UNDERSTAND WHERE YOUR FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS GO In this guide, we will explore where your tax dollars go, some of the ways tax filing may look different in 2022, and what you can do to prepare. Keep in mind, this guide is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for real-life advice, so make sure to consult your tax, legal, and accounting professionals before modifying your strategy.


Will Social Security Retire Before You Do?

People have traditionally seen Social Security benefits as the foundation of their retirement planning programs. The Social Security contributions deducted from workers’ paychecks have, in effect, served as a government-enforced retirement savings plan.


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Melinda Bulls